Islamische Theologie

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Ringvorlesung WiSe 2021/22

Teaching Wisdom in Islamic Higher Education in the West

Today, it is fair to assume that education in Muslim teaching and learning contexts has gone beyond the simple transfer of information. In this light, this lecture series will examine the prerequisites and conditions which are necessary for forging a connection between information and values and for furthering the relationship between knowledge and action, which we seek to conflate under the noble term »wisdom«, especially in the context of Western higher education.

Mittwochs 18 – 20 Uhr

27. Oktober • The Path to Wisdom in Muslim Jurisprudence
Dr. Sohail Hanif, Cambridge Muslim College

3. November • Teachers as Embodiments of Knowledge
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rudolph T. Ware III, University of California Santa Barbara

1. Dezember • »God is teaching you (wa-yuʿallimukumu llāhu)« (Q 2:282): On Teaching and Knowledge in the Qur‘an and Early Islamic Traditions
Asst. Prof. Dr. Johanne Louise Christiansen, University of Southern Denmark

15. Dezember • »In ihren Geschichten sind Lehren für die Verständigen«? Zur Aktualität oder Antiquiertheit der Geschichte als Lehrmeisterin
Bacem Dziri, Universität Osnabrück

12. Januar • Fostering the Imagination: University Education and Social Justice
Dr. Mujadad Zaman, Universität Tübingen

19. Januar • Religiöse Weisheitslehren im universitären Kontext
Prof. Dr. Bülent Ucar, Universität Osnabrück

26. Januar • Promoting an Islamic wisdom-based Culture in Higher Education 
Dr. Fella Lahmar, University of Bolton